February Free Throws…

On Sunday, February 17, 2019, Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) Knights of Columbus Council 13517, held their annual Free Throw Contest. As stated in the State General Program Manual, “The Youth are our future. Their development and growth, physically, emotionally and spiritually “In His Honor” are our responsibility and our joy.” With this in mind, our Council advertised via the Church bulletin of this contest, open to boys and girls, ages 9 through 14. Brother Knights volunteered their time at IHM gym to assist in the event, helping organize kids, rebounding basketballs, filling out forms, or just chatting with the parents and children. The event was a success with a few people opting to continue on to the District level. Suffice to say, the kids were much better basketball players than the Knights, but great fun was had by all!