Rising to the occasion for the second year, Council 13517 ensured the 2nd Annual IHM Fall Festival Parking operated smoothly. Undoubtedly Immaculate Heart of Mary’s largest fundraiser all year, the proceeds from this event directly benefit the school. Countless Brother Knights selflessly gave of their free time over the weekend of September 27th to ensure traffic flowed smoothly for all attending.
During the Festival, Knights Council 13517 even operated a Membership Booth in an effort to offer information about the council and locate new prospective members. This campaign is aligned with our Membership efforts running weekly in the parish bulletin and via our website. During the event, we were fortunate to run into Brother Knights from other area councils and even a long-time member from Connecticut.
A very big “Thank You” is in order to all the Brothers who offered their time this weekend! To say we could not do it without you is a large understatement.