Welcome to our newest Council 13517 Brother Knight, Steven Musso. Son of Brother Knight and Inside Guard, Paul Musso, Steven’s membership was approved during January’s council business meeting with the motion for membership receiving unanimous approval. On Saturday, January 23, Steven and his family attended the Ohio State Exemplification in our Council chambers.

This Online Exemplification makes Steven a 3rd degree Knight! Members of our Council joined online in support of our newest member. To say Steven comes from good stock is an understatement. An attendee and actively involved at Walsh Jesuit High School, his dad Paul created and drives the Nativity Sales program that promotes our Christmas theme to “Keep Christ in Christmas” with proceeds benefiting the council. Paul actively attends meetings and functions and always serves as a knowledgeable and level-headed resource, and we are delighted to see that the Mussos will continue the Knights of Columbus tradition.
Welcome Steven and Vivat Jesus!